The Fundamentals Of Personal Branding

For building a purposeful online business that is unique to you

In this video training you'll learn:

  • – the most important things to focus on

  • – 15 rules of branding that act as guidelines

  • – Examples of big personal brands and why they work

  • – The fundamentals of a strong brand for any platform

  • – an exercise how to define your brand for easier storytelling

The Fundamentals Of Personal Branding

For building a purposeful online business that is unique to you

© All rights reserved 2024

Welcome to the training

The Fundamentals of personal branding for purposeful entrepreneurs

For additional resources and contact information - check below

The path forward

Building your brand alone can be confusing and hard
schedule a discovery call with Miz for extra clarity and direction:

Join the Creator Guidance community

This telegram community is for networking, problem solving, and purposeful business

PS. Remember to Share Your Brand Definition

Feel free to follow Miz on Social media too

© All rights reserved 2024